What Do We Do When Our Heroes Fail Us? – A Lament


When our heroes fail, two narratives tend to emerge: 

1. The hero is fallible, just like any of us. 

2. The hero did not fail. He never fails. This was a setup. Someone is trying to frame him for this failure. 

The late apologist, Ravi Zacharias, is one of the latest heroes to fall mightily in the wake of some very serious sexual allegations. To be honest, Ravi was one of my heroes. I read his books, binged on his many sermons and teachings, and followed his activities across the globe for years. Now, in light of an independent investigation that was conducted after his death, it would appear that Ravi had some hidden sin in his life. The kind that appears to be years and years of manipulation and control. 

To say this information was a shock would be a severe understatement and has taken a long while for me to process. But to talk about these things is what can ultimately bring healing and a path forward. 

For those of my listeners who aren’t of the Christian worldview, I would encourage you to consider how we all have heroes and idols in our life. And what we must do when faced with the reality that some of our heroes are not always who we thought they were. The same applies for ourselves as we are all privy to make mistakes. 

To the victims and families, I pray there is healing to be found in the days ahead. 

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