The American Press: Pillar of Democracy? Or Enemy of the People?

“Fake News” has been a popular phrase, meme and descriptor used by those who see America’s mainstream journalists as not only fraudulent, but corrupted. Whether you believe that to be the case or not tends to divide people along political lines, but it does open up a can of worms on whether these claims are, indeed, true. 

So in keeping with the spirit of the Narrative Wars’ original reason for existence, we’ll take a look at these two claims. And full disclaimer – this one gets a little ranty. Perhaps that’s keeping in the spirit of political discourse and our freedom of speech as well. 

To Trust “Big Tech”…Or Not To Trust “Big Tech”

The term “Big Tech” is something you may or may not be familiar with. It’s a reference to the major media distributors; the umbrella of companies that have produced and distributed mass amounts of information. They are a wonderful tool for the dissemination of info. But what happens when they begin to ‘clamp down’ on voices? More specifically, when they put a stop to those they disagree with – the ones who just so happen to be content creators and consumers themselves. 

Is ‘Big Tech’ something to be reviled? Or something we just don’t understand as of yet? I happen to believe that worldview has a lot do say about this, which will be the crux of this episode. 


Election Day Chaos…Or is it Election Week? Month?

Some thoughts and observations on this crazy election day / week / month, God-forbid, year. All that being said, it seems we’re in it for the long haul. Did you expect anything less from 2020?! 

Who Is To Blame For The Pandemic?

COVID-19 has run amok on the world. And in its wake, it’s made already-dicey situations even more contentious. International relations. Discussions on leadership capability. And the topic of who to hold accountable for the outbreak. There are a few fringe theories outside of the commonly accepted narrative. Yet, now that we have to deal with the virus, what is the most appropriate response at this time? That’s the topic of today’s episode of the #NarrativeWars. 

What Evangelicals Can Learn From Jordan Peterson

Haven’t written something like this in a while. But this came out. So here we are. Link to post here. 

Is the President Responsible for My Personal Happiness?

America’s Presidency is a hot topic every four years. Who sits in the Oval Office may be a dream of a few, but it is sought after and revered by many. As such, just whom occupies the presidency ends up coming with a lot of expectations. But are the expectations of the highest level of American government really supposed to hold sway with our personal happiness? Are we actually meant to rely on the President for moral imperative?

Today’s episode is a fun one because it’s all about the president of the United States and whether or not it’s good for us to pin our personal hopes and dreams on a public servant. 

EP8: Why Is the American Church Divided On Marriage?

To have and to hold. In sickness and in health. Till death do us part. 


Marriage is supposed to be God’s holiest of institutions for human beings. And it’s something the Church ought to be in agreement on. Yet that has scarcely been the case. Especially in the wake of America’s court case, Obergefell vs. Hodges


Today’s episode looks at the narratives surrounding marriage and why the American Church can’t seem to be in agreement on what this ancient institution is meant to look like. 

A Little Bit of Truth in Every Conspiracy? Or a Conspiracy to Undermine the Truth?

It’s been said that every conspiracy has a little bit of truth in it. If that’s true, then that would warrant some investigation, wouldn’t it? It would require someone to look deeply into these narratives and see if they hold water.

As such, we now have an entire generation that seems heavily invested in fringe thinking and challenging mainstream, acceptable thought. But is this a good thing? Is it wrong to follow all of the bread crumbs? And who tends to get more invested in “conspiracy theories” as it is? 

That and more in this week’s episode of #TheNarrativeWars. 

The Writer’s Lens – Ep67: “The Great Divorce” and Why We Don’t Take Hell So Seriously

C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors of all time. His literary works are popular outside of even the Christian community, for which he is most known. But one such title that is often overlooked is a short story called, The Great Divorce. It’s about about a man riding a bus to somewhere. And that somewhere just so happens to be heaven. For those who get off, it’s a path to hell. But there are more than a few ways to get off the bus and head to the underworld. 

This analysis I attempt is a true deep dive. So it’s lengthy, but like any of Lewis’ works, it’s chock full of meat to chew on. In particular, the topic of heaven and hell and why we might forget about one while in pursuit of the other. 

Is The Earth a Living Thing? Or a Thing With Living Things On It?

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of reactions to surface across the globe. Namely, who to blame and what the chief cause was. Some are saying that this is merely the Earth taking revenge upon us. That we, humans, are the actual virus and must be dealt with accordingly. 

But is that a true statement? Or should we look at this recent reckoning from a different angle? 

These thoughts were catalyzed by a recent interview with Idris Elba, a British actor who had contracted COVID-19, and was giving a statement to the world about his condition and thoughts on why this was happening.